- Blogger allowed us to present all of our research and findings on a interactive site, so that our work can be moderated easily. It allowed us to present our work easily and effectively and post our research well.
- Youtube allowed us to carry out our research further by being able to deconstruct current music videos and finding music videos easily. For our technical analysis, youtube was very helpful when pausing and analysing the current videos.
- We also used the camera's in our planning/research stage to familiarise ourselves with the equipment before going straight into filming our video, as a kind of preliminary task.
- We did this by doing a location reccie in Brighton where we practised different camera techniques and ideas such as the notion of looking and making sure that the frame was exciting and considering all of the mise-en-scene in the clip.

- We used Microsoft Powerpoint to create our Music Video Pitch.
- We used this programme to collaborate all of our research to our class which would be a task that would take place in the music industry.
- The presentation involved:
- information about the narratives in our video
- a mood baord that showed locations and costumes and other props and mise-en-scene
- a slide with information about our audience research and ideas for our digipak.
-We then uploaded our presentation onto a website called slideboom.

- We also used Adobe Premiere to edit our Practice location Reccie and to edit our anamatic and was then uploaded onto youtube.

Media Technologies that we have used in the Production Stage of the Music Video
Music Video
- Whilst filming we used the camera
- For editing we used a programme called Adobe Premiere. This programme allowed us to change the contrast and the saturation of the clips, which we used for the girl.
And change the garage clips into black and white by making the saturation zero.
Digipak and Advertisement
- We used a digital camera to take pictures for our digipak.
- We also set the photographic settings to black and white on the camera as we know this was the style that we were going to use.
- By using a digital camera, it was the simplest way of getting our image onto the computer so that we could edit and chop and change it.
- We uploaded the image onto photoshop so that we could use different effects to edit our picture.
- We slightly increased the contrast and the brightness to enhance the quality and contrast of the picture. We then imported the images that we were using onto Microsoft Publisher so that we could lay out our digipak in a booklet form.
- On Publisher we added text and we could import images such bar codes.
- Our advertisement was also designed on photoshop so that we could easily import images such as logo's and text and images.
Media Technologies that we have used in the Evaluation and Post-production of our music video
- We used youtube to upload our music video onto so that we could retrieve our audience feedback.
- We also had to carry out audience research and we found that the easiest site to use which is easily accessible to an audience was survey monkey.
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